Emergency First Aid at Work + Forestry
Event Date:
Mon, December 4, 2023
Event Time:
9:00 am
Event Information:
Coed Pwllacca
Event Information
This is a 1 day course, delivered by MediArb Ltd, titled "Emergency First Aid at Work + Forestry". (full objectives for this course can be found here).
There is no equipment required for this course - attendees should wear comfortable clothing that doesn't matter if it gets dirty.
If you have funding for your course - please choose the "Pay by Direct Bank Transfer or Funding" option at checkout. You will then need to email us at enquiries@mwmac.co.uk to confirm what funding you have in place.
Event FAQs
Full joining details for the event will come, via email, approximately two weeks before the event (if training) or one week before the event (if assessment). Text messages will be sent direct to all attendees approximately one week before the event.